Sundays: 9am Class, 10am & 5pm Worship (2nd Sundays: 9, 10am & 12:30) Wednesdays: 7pm

Sundays: 9am Class, 10am & 5pm Worship (2nd Sundays: 9, 10am & 12:30) Wednesdays: 7pm
Tuesdays at 10am, Wednesdays at 6pm
Join us in folding and stapling thousands of tracts for Bible Tracts International - to be distributed around the world.
Tuesdays at 11am
Gather with a small group of ladies as we delve deeper into being able to find God around us every day.
Grades 5-7
Tuesdays in February
Watch for future Christian Evidences classes for kids!
Our current Wednesday class at 7pm focuses on the the book of Genesis. Jump in at any time and join this rich, deep discussion. You might just learn something you didn't know before.
Don't miss it!
Glenn Colley is the speaker for this timely subject, only on February 6 and 7. Join the Hillcrest congregation for five hours of amazing focus.
The adult class is walking through the book of Romans on Sunday mornings at 9am.
You shouldn't regret getting up an hour earlier and studying with us.
9am, Sundays
Sunday, February 11, 2024
9 am - Bible Class
10 am - Worship
11 am - Fellowship Meal (theme: Mexican)
12:30 pm - Another Opportunity to Focus
on Singing, Prayer, and God's Word
Are you a widow, widower, or a single adult wanting to connect with others?
Be a part of WInGS. We all experience loss, navigate life, and serve our Lord.
Join the next event at 11:30 a.m., Thursday, February 20.
This year's theme is "I Am". This event, held monthly at area congregations of the Lord's church, is for students in 5th through 12th grades. Get in on this - food, fellowship, and a great message every month of the year.
Our next TSYS gathering will be in Choteau, Oklahoma, on March 4 (Topic: I Am He, John 8:24).
This special ladies seminar, titled Reflections, will be led by Emily Hatfield on Friday and Saturday, March 14 and 15 (Please RSVP for your free spot.).
Reflections will be held at the Hillcrest congregation in Neosho.
Couldn't join us live or face to face? Want to review the sermon or check your notes? Want to preview what to expect in your upcoming visit?
Welcome to the church's YouTube channel, where full worship services are collected into playlists based on the sermon topics. Check out the singing playlists, as well.
Bible Call is an audio library with five-minute recorded messages on a variety of Bible subjects. Bible Call is completely automated and available every minute of every day. Choose from an extensive list of topics.
This publication is mailed to the Carthage community every other month. If you haven't seen yours, that's OK: you can still read the entire text digitally by clicking below.
If you are intrigued by what you read, please contact us at the church of Christ in Carthage, Missouri.
February 2, 2025
January 26, 2024
Church is more than a place or an event; it is who we are.
We share the good news of God's love for us and in the community.
Sunday Bible Study at 9am
Sunday Worship at 10am and 5pm
(Second Sunday at 10am & 12:30 pm)
Wednesday Bible Study at 7:00pm
Copyright © 2024 Church of Christ, Carthage, Missouri - All Rights Reserved.